A panel of printed Tsumugi fabric including 6 different pre-printed designs for you to stitch. either leave the piece whole or cut it into individual pieces. The pack is intended for visiable mending, but could also be used for other sashiko projects such as bag making, wall hangings, placemats etc.
The complete panel is 20cm x 100cm and each design is 12cm x 16.5cm.
Please note this listing is for the printed fabric only. You will also need if desired.
The History of Sashiko
Sashiko originated about 400 years ago and was a way of making clothes warmers, and also preseving them. By putting two or more layers of cloth together and sewing with running stitch, it creates small pockets of air in the clothing, which trap warmth. Beautiful, geometric patterns were stitched in undyed thread to create the classic 'cream on blue' look which we associate with sashiko today. But as well as being beautiful, this was also very practical as women would often stitch sashiko on dark evenings and the contrast meant they could see what they were doing! Dense stitching helped preserve the fabric for generations to come, as well as providing a means of repairing with patches.